A virtual collective monument, this installation is an Eternal Flame in memory of those who have died. It features the main fire, or mother-flame, at SESC Avenida Paulista, which never goes out, and collaborative works by people, artists, collectives and institutions from around the world, which will be broadcast live. FLAME is fire as a ritual and also a call, an international invitation to mourn, to pause and honour each loss. It will be broadcast uninterruptedly, 24 hours a day for a year, on the project’s website. Images of the mother-flame will be interspersed with live broadcasts of other collaborative works.
Conceived by: Nuno Ramos
Production managers: Rachel Brumana and Marisa Riccitelli Sant’ana
Executive producers: Giovanna Monteiro and Luiza Alves
Technical directors: André Boll and William Zarella Jr.
Mechanical engineering and safety consultant: Sergio Costa
FLAME programming, website and broadcasting: Engenharia de Broadcast – Audio S.A
Publicity Photos: Eduardo Ortega
The memorial is inspired by the countless “Eternal Flames” that multiplied from the two World Wars. As a premise of the project, we ask those who are willing, guardians of the Flame, to send us live recordings of flames (not files of pre-existing flames). That is, to film (with mobile phones, computers or other equipment) a flame for a certain period and take care that it does not go out, and that the transmission is not interrupted. In this way we will have the flame, captured and transmitted live, lit for a year, coming from various parts of the world and retransmitted to the most diverse locations on the planet. The CHAMA virtual monument will be available 24 hours a day on this page.
We will keep this collective flame burning for one year, 24 hours a day, beginning May 25, 2021. Anyone is welcome to access it and relay it from this page.
Our wish is that the Flame, with all its fragility and simplicity, will spread as far as it can, without pause or interruption. And always live, for the living.
Invitation opening: July 7, 2021
Duration of the invitation: Until we reach 100 registrations
Period of coverage: From July to September 2021
*Another invitation may be opened at a later time